Wednesday, June 29, 2016


What is life really about?
Are we really here for a purpose? According to the Bible, it's been the end of the world for about 2,000 years already. Why?
Is the Bible really the only guidance to get through life? What is REALLY going on GOD??
Seriously, like, what is true happiness? Is it one general idea or something just based on each individual? Do we really have a purpose? Is it ONLY to lead others to Christ and to do our best to follow the laws of the Holy Book? Bruuuhh... So many questions, so much confusion, so many different answers. Everyone just wants to be happy but it feels like there are so many people out there trying to sell you different ways to achieve that. Money, men & women, material things, temporary love, FAKE love, a degree, a good job, religion even, so many rules. Some are more moral than others of course. I guess it's just based off each individual. But I know for sure that the topic on GOD and religion is definitely a complex one. And of course, Jesus.

We all just want answers. We want guidance and security. We want to know that everything will be just fine at the end of the day. Sometimes it feels like there is no exact certainty.. I can say though, that knowing that the Almighty is on your side does help. Don't walk around acting lost the rest of your life. Be honest and do things right, be genuine, have good intentions. If it didn't work out the first time then try again a different way. God IS there, our purpose with Him is what we have to figure out. Let Him do His thang in your life.

Let's just try to get through each day with a positive attitude and a mindset that everyday is a GOOD DAY.. No matter what happens. Hard, I know.. But just try. Yes, there will be some difficult moments but, it's all in how you respond to them. Don't have a careless attitude either but a more optimistic one  instead, knowing that you're doing the best you can and working hard to get to each one of your goals. Just don't deceive yourself. If you know you're not truly working hard then take a moment to reflect on your current situation, your feelings and drive. Ask yourself what your motives are, what more can you do to be motivated to work as hard as you should for what you want. Sure, you'll have some pretty difficult moments, some very low ones but don't let that make your faith crumble. Instead, let the trials allow you to see what more you need to work on. There is ALWAYS room for improvement, there is always opportunity for growth. Don't ever get complacent, don't ever settle for who you are right now but instead work towards a higher level of the amazingness within you. Be around people who's intentions for you are good. Who WANT to see you become better. Who will keep it all the way #ONEHUNNID even if it's brutal to your ego, but you know you have to hear the truth to get that push.

[Quick side note though....
Let me tell you right now, addictions are artificial substitutes. You're addicted to things that never truly bring you what you truly desire. You can't have real roses so you buy fake ones. You can't discover how to truly be happy so you make others laugh instead...

And let me tell you about the ego.. It never resigns its control, by way of it repeating over and over again what didn't work from the beginning. You won't change until the ego surrenders and that will only happen when you feel completely helpless. That's when its game ends. Then you will face the unknown. It will be dark and scary but that's where you need to go. That's what you need to face, that's where you'll build your character..

I recommend the book, Why is God laughing? By Deepak Chopra.. It's not religious I promise. Just a really good book, in my opinion...]

But as I was saying... don't EVER compare yourself to anyone else. Please understand that there is and will always just be one you. You are one of one.. (unless you have an identical twin, then idk what to tell you... lol jk)... Anyway, you are unique and completely amazing. If one person doesn't like you, good news, there's someone out there, probably very close to you, that absolutely looooves you.

Your worth does NOT and will not ever depend on another person's opinion of you. ESPECIALLY one who has no place in your life. A stranger's opinion shouldn't even phase you. BUT, you do have to know the difference between constructive criticism and a complete hater and the difference of who it's coming from. There's something special and unique about you. Don't ever let anyone tell you different. If anyone at one point fails to see the treasure in you don't get discouraged, not everyone you come across is meant to see and experience it, no matter how intimate the relationship is or was. People can still be blind. Just wish them well and continue to work on yourself. You don't like haters so don't be one yourself. We have to understand that everyone is at different levels on their walks with life, searching and learning as they go just like us.

And please stay humble. You're not here to walk around acting like you're better than anyone. I don't know each and everyone's purpose but I do know it's NOT to be an egotistical and selfish jerk.

Be graceful ALWAYS. Show love and respect. Some people just need kindness and a smile to brighten up their day. Be that light. Don't get so caught up on tomorrow. Focus on today, on the goals you're trying to reach. Working on the small details that make the big picture is important. But lets get through today first. Cherish it and love it and at the end of the night before you close your eyes to go to sleep, give thanks for having been given another full day to experience the world, to have been able to feel the sunlight, the rain, what ever the weather may be. To have been able to hear the birds chips or your dog bark and wag it's tail or your kids kick and scream till it drives you crazy.. Be thankful for every good moment.. You never know when it'll all end.. And to have also been around other people.. You never know who might've enjoyed your presence.

Start a new mindset to NEVER take those things for granted.. Even if you experience them every day.. Some of us have to truly realize how blessed we really are.. and you better trust and believe that a lot of us are abundantly blessed and don't even know it..

I don't know about y'all but I speak for myself when I say GOD IS AMAZING. And without the blessings He's given me and a new mindset, who knows where I would be. Im just thankful for LIFE and errthang in it..

'Till my next blog, though.... And like my baby boy says, "Peace homies!"


Yours truly,

Ana Duran

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